Sleeping Through It

(book design)
Sleeping Through It, On the (Unpublished) Work of Anders Dahl Monsen was designed and produced without the permission of the artist. Monsen’s work was secretly collected and documented by the editiors, Ida Falck Øien and Drew Snyder. Texts by Ida Falck Øien, Eirik Zeiner, Victoria Duffee, Drew Snyder, Kåre Magnus Berg, Arne Skaug Olsen, Adam Curtis, Gilda Axelroud, Sverre Gullesen, and Jim Särnblom.
Sleeping Through It, On the (Unpublished) Work of Anders Dahl Monsen was designed and produced without the permission of the artist. Monsen’s work was secretly collected and documented by the editiors, Ida Falck Øien and Drew Snyder. Texts by Ida Falck Øien, Eirik Zeiner, Victoria Duffee, Drew Snyder, Kåre Magnus Berg, Arne Skaug Olsen, Adam Curtis, Gilda Axelroud, Sverre Gullesen, and Jim Särnblom.